Thursday 26 April 2012

New Media Addiction

Reflective portfolio

When I first found out that I was going to be taking a network media based module I had a rough and kind of basic idea of what I would be learning and I found that this would be a new interesting subject to learn.
My first impressions on this course was it was going to be creative using the Internet such as creating web sites, blogs and basically exploring the uses and development of the internet.

In my network media workshops we would be touching topics such as web 2.0, pychogeographical project, remix culture, and the public sphere and whilst learning these we would be documenting them down in the blog we created. These where subjects I had never heard of but was egger to found out what it was about.
After the 30 weeks of my network media workshop I realised that there is more to it that I initially taught and at the same time it made me think more about new media and its development, also the way it has evolved around me.

New media consist of the ever-developing technology that has been the main attraction in this day and age, the new technology that our generation have been brought around are things such as, smart phones, laptops / computers, video games and consoles and elements of social networks.  
This was in relation to one of my essays and workshop, during the workshop it was more like an eye opener, because of the questions asked I realised how much I have been consumed by the new media age in the year leading up to university at one point I owned all new media technology such as an blackberry, Xbox, laptop, computer and at the same time I had roughly signed up to every social network.  

A normal start to the day for me work be to wake up and first thing is check my phone, for any new updates, such as messages or any missed calls then log onto my laptop and visit all my social network site and information sites and then I will spend all day on social networks such as facebook and twitter and the only breaks taken was to consume food other than that it was internet based which I think it was creating a dent in my social life. It caused me to prefer staying inside on my laptop rather than meeting with my mates, which I believe, is in relation to ‘the eight traits of the new media landscape’ by Henry Jenkins and in my case it has become an everyday trait, Jenkins says ‘our family rooms have become home entertainment centres. Our family hearths are now electronic. Media technologies are fully integrated into our everyday social interactions’. This trait creates a fixation, a wedge between families and isolates them from the environment and people around you.

When I read through this article in university I set myself a little task to reduce the use of any of my new media technology for a week and see if I could survive.  After a week I realised that I really didn’t rely on new media technology to enjoy myself, it caused me to be more sociable with the people around me but it kept me out of the blue with my mates in other parts of London.
In conclusion there are many pros and cons to the ever evolving new media and its generation but new media is always developing and is becoming more of an addiction for younger people, speaking from experience and this is going to be a continues cycle because there are always new technologies being worked on to make it better than the previous, which leads into a sense of convergence adding a lot of different components into one device such as a smart phone where you can access every social site such as twitter on the go. Developments such as this add to the addiction. 

Jenkins. H (2006) Eight Traits of the New Media Landscape [WWW] (accessed 26/04/12)

campaign project

To end of the network media year we was given a final project, which was to create a short campaign video. This campaign video was allowed to be about anything we wished for, whether that might be as small as something that gets on our nerves or maybe something on a more serious scale. This was a good task because it did not restrict us, and allowed us to put more of our own creative and imaginative style to this project.

For this project I could chose to work by yourself or in a group, I chose to work in a group, which consisted of David, Tia, Andrea and myself we wanted to get started straight away and started planning what our campaign video will be based on.
As a group we decided that we wanted to take a more serious approach whilst creating this campaign video, we wanted it to reach people and have a meaning or awareness about it.
Our first idea that we came up with was to do a campaign about porn, but after much brainstorming and discussion we decided to do a campaign based on the effects of sex which would led onto the topic of porn.

For this project we rented out a camera and used it to film a very short play on real life situations that occur before during and after sex, then we was to go around asking people abut their personal taught on sex, our initial idea was to have like a focus group with both sexes and have a discussion about sex but instead we asked friends and random people on their own opinions.
The questions that where asked during the interview where, what reasons do you have sex, how much value do you believe sex has and has porn given you a different look on sex.
Due to unfortunate situation, which was hard to over come, ended up scrapping the idea, this was because the filming we had done went missing but fortunately David was running for a ACS Campaign at this time and we taught this would be a good idea to create a video for his campaign. This was killing two birds with one stone, which was to help our group campaign and help David promote his run for elections.  
We enjoyed creating this campaign video we all contributed different ideas and how we want the outcome to look like. We did our own research and looked at other election videos to get the best out of our project, such as Barack Obama’s ‘ it begins with us’ and the very famous Kony campaign video.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Psychogeography Project

in our day to day lives we do a lot of travelling, which has come to the point that we are not Consciously aware of the surroundings we may walk past every day this even applies to being in a new environment , for example living in leicester is a new area for me and being here almost half a year i am yet to take in the surroundings it is just me getting from A to B. which is way this project will show me taking a route around leicester and taking photographs of this i would not take any notice of.
For this project my task will be exploring different locations at the same time and how it relates to the human this could be with the street name or in relation with a song, my initial idea was to walk the night life and add to a song which would explain the photography. I am planning to start this project in the evening, after 6pm, and I want to start local but not obvious from the university.
My aim for this journey is to travel past the local areas that people would go on a night out which will be taking a route through the city and multiple places you could end up and multiple things you could go past without recognising.
For this project I am trying to map out how the public fit into their environment depending on the time of day, also would be graffiti, facial expressions still images of the landmarks and atmosphere.
My choice of documenting my project with a media device will be a SLR camera borrowed from the media department I would also like to include audio but this will be uploaded to my made tumblr.
The direction of my journey is based around exploring the in’s and outs of Leicester and memory of most common areas.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

The Medium is the Message

In my recent Network Media workshop we was given a task which would have to be done in pairs, with was to interview each other on the effect of new media and how it has effected us.
We had to pair up with people we would not normally talk to or where different that way we know this way we would get more different and more interesting questions and answers.
Questions such as, how do you feel about these changes, do you feel nostalgic for times prior to the current media you use, and how has your experience of culture changed for example image, text, sound, and consumption.

The first set interview questions was based around the famous blackberry, known for its Blackberry Messenger (BBM) which allows you to keep connected socially the easiest way.

The first question asked was what kind of impact has it created to your life? For my answer, I had said at first I found it great and good way to keep in contact but at the same time it is a bit of a distraction causes you to live a cyber social world and takes you away from reality, for example you could be in a lesson and not concentrate or be with your mates and still trying to keep in touch with your other mates. This answer ended up being both of our answers but I had more to say which was that the blackberry hype had died down for me and become more of a drag being able to be contacted around the clock and instantly via facebook, twitter and the messenger. Another question, which was asked concerning the blackberry was what values and emotions do, I have with my device and I answered that I have no emotional connection to my device and could get rid of it whereas my interviewee said the opposite and would not be able to cope without her blackberry and will start getting withdrawal symptoms, this shows the different effects that people have with the device.

Secondly we moved onto another everyday used device, which are a laptop, the same questions and more was asked about the laptop. Firstly my values to the laptop are different from the blackberry as I wouldn’t be able to live without my laptop and because I work with a Mac book I love it even more whereas my partner doesn’t really have a emotion that connects to her laptop because you can do what ever is on the laptop on a blackberry. I was also asked how often I am on the laptop in a day where I answered I am normally on it all day unless the battery is dead. Also asked has it had any impact on space and time spent been transformed by it where I had replied a bit because when a event is happening with my mates sometimes I would rather stay in and browse my laptop, this is because I think what I do with my mates I can do right he on my laptop which has changed me. 

Monday 26 December 2011

Remix Culture

For our next network media workshop we was given an exercise to complete, which would involve a bit of creativity. The main outcome of this workshop was to show evidence of Remixing. Our task was to remix an album cover, be doing this we would have to follow some instructions, which was to go through different links, firstly it was Wikipedia to find the name of our band. Secondly we was asked to find any choice of quote through another link the finally we would have to find a picture we will use for the album cover on ‘Flickr’.

Once we had all these ingredients we would now have to use the software Photoshop to put this album cover together. After all of that this is what I ended up with, but remixing is not only to do with album cover and pictures but also videos. There was a great example that was used in my network media lecture on a Hitler play, which has been remixed countless amount of times and with different outcomes.  

Pucha Kucha Presentation

For our next presentation we had to prepare a 5-minute presentation about O’Reilly’s web 2.0 and one of its topics and later be given back peer feedback. In my group which consisted of four people we came up with the group name; Media Moguls.
The possible subjects that we could include in our presentation was Web as Platform / Cloud computing, The Long Tail, Collective Intelligence, Folksonomy, Data as the Next Intel Inside, Software above the level of a Single Device, Network Effects, and Attention Economy/Free Labour.
Out of the eight subjects we chose to present the information on Collective Intelligence. We wanted to get to work straight away so we assigned the people in our group with different titles or attributes that are connected to collective intelligence. For our presentation we wanted to find the proper definition for web 2.0 and from there we would include our separate slides, so we did our research.
For our presentation we decided to only include photographs of what we are going to talk about, this is because we watched a video in our workshop on how we should present so we took our choice of method and used notes rather than reading it of the presentation, this is so there is more interaction with the audience and they will not be distracted by the information on the presentation. We believe this is a better way to present. In my slides I was to touch on the social media sites and search engines such as, Yahoo, Twitter, and Amazon. The main outcome of our presentation and our individual slides was to explain how data is collected by web sites such as these and are used to benefit the users.

Yahoo –
. Yahoo is a worldwide famous search engine

. Being a search engine it is also split up into different category.

. Yahoo has different components that give the consumers what they want, such as Yahoo Mail, Yahoo News, Advertising, and Yahoo Video

. Yahoo! Sports, Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo! Music, Yahoo! Movies, Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Answers and Yahoo! Games

. Caterers to the majority of its target groups and consumers.

Twitter –
Created march 2006 launched July

Twitter is a social networking device which is similar to a blog
Twitter is one of the largest growing social networks; it has grown like this because it is easily accessible, via mobile phone, lap/ computer.

Changes, which allowed us to watch and share videos, groups, and images

Twitter also famous because you can access the information that you want to hear, such as your favourite celeb news, worldwide news or what your friend is saying.

If there is news this is a good source to receive information because it is feeding you round the clock information also, you can be receiving first had information from someone who could be there.

This is similar to word or mouth which travels very quick and reading somebody else’s account  

Amazon –

Amazon is one of the world's largest online retailer (founded 1995)

Started as an online bookstore, but expanded to selling DVDs, CDs, MP3 downloads, computer software, video games, electronics, apparel, furniture, food, and toys. (Online store)

The store radically changes based on customer interests, showing programming titles

Based round your common interest, gives recommendation because of the collective data and whilst searching it will give you suggestions like all search engines to give you more things you may be interested in.

Saturday 24 December 2011

8 Traits Workshop

In my recent network media workshop we explored a new topic, which is a theory, named the 8 traits of new media landscape by ‘Henry Jenkins’. The eight traits that we had explored had different titles, which where Innovative, Convergent, Everyday, Appropriative, Networked, Global, Generational, and Unequal. The main outcome of these different titles and the topic in general is the educate the young people for a participatory culture; this is basically where we as the youth are labelled as, with relation to the new media age. It understands the relationship with the current media and its developing transitions.

Within the eight traits we would later be asked to include one of them in our Pucha Kucha presentation and we will also have to do a 1000 word essay on our chosen trait.
Out of the eight traits I decided to talk about the ‘Everyday’ theory, Henry Jenkins says, ‘our family rooms have become home entertainment centres. Our family hearths are now electronic. Media technologies are fully integrated into our everyday social interactions’.  This means we have come more involved with technology and it has become a necessity, a must have whether or not it is a family shared experience.

Henry Jenkins believes there is a situation or problem that is believed to be that all new media technology has become such a necessity it has become a massive part in our everyday lives and we have become so unaware and blind whether or not this is true.
In my normal home environment my family room is full of different entertaining systems such as a, TV, Xbox Consol, Computer, DVD Player and then we have our personal entertaining hardware such as personal mobile phones, personal laptops and televisions, and music playing devices. The new media is said to have an effect on families, which are pros and cons, for example creating a wedge between the family, less human interaction and more with technology but on the other hand it helps to bring distant families together.
In relation to my personal life I do not believe I can go an entire day without having to use some sort or new media, because I am so used to waking up and the first thing I do is check my phone, or going on my laptop to find out the latest news, which is another good example that this trait does have belief that ‘There is a danger that as this technology becomes so familiar, so much a part of our daily routines that it becomes invisible to us’
Reading through Henry Jenkins and his 8 traits theory I have seen that they all have a connection and can relate to each other and it has also made me aware for the modern day and the young peoples relation to the new media.